Signature Field to Vase Seasonal Arrangement


If you have ever purchased our certified organic specialty blooms from Clark’s Nutrition, this is the rectangular arrangement you have come to know and love us for.

Each arrangement brimming with just harvested field fresh specialty blooms, arranged artistically to showcase natures splendor. Now with more specialty blooms in each arrangement and one of a kind focal flowers!

Direct pick-up from our urban nursery/flower and fruit farm. Growers choice of blooms.

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If you have ever purchased our certified organic specialty blooms from Clark’s Nutrition, this is the rectangular arrangement you have come to know and love us for.

Each arrangement brimming with just harvested field fresh specialty blooms, arranged artistically to showcase natures splendor. Now with more specialty blooms in each arrangement and one of a kind focal flowers!

Direct pick-up from our urban nursery/flower and fruit farm. Growers choice of blooms.

If you have ever purchased our certified organic specialty blooms from Clark’s Nutrition, this is the rectangular arrangement you have come to know and love us for.

Each arrangement brimming with just harvested field fresh specialty blooms, arranged artistically to showcase natures splendor. Now with more specialty blooms in each arrangement and one of a kind focal flowers!

Direct pick-up from our urban nursery/flower and fruit farm. Growers choice of blooms.