Commercial Urban Growing

Resource Library

The Small Scale Urban Commercial Grower

As a certified organic licensed nursery stock, cut flower and urban grower of heirloom fruits and vegetables [all from our residential property of less than .24 acres] we would love to help you reach your target goals and thrive.

Areas of Focus:

*Crop selections adaptive to our climate

*Pivoting operations due to CORE Oriental Fruit Fly quarantine.

*Selling at Certified Farmers Markets

*Building Local customer base

The Urban Cut Flower Grower

Let us put our 15 years of commercial growing and sales experience to work for you.

From varietal selection, seeding and transplant schedule to pest management, plant health, selling to local markets [farmers markets and or wholesale] and direct to consumer - we've got you covered.

What’s included?

Let us put our 15 years and counting of urban commercial growing [8 of which have been certified organic] experience to work for you!

Whether you are a home grower looking to get the most our of your edible & medicinal garden or a small scale urban flower or edible crop grower looking to maximize your growing operation, grow sales while striving to keep a healthy life-work balance, we’ve got you covered.

  • What to plant

    How to plant

    When to plant

    Pest management

    Water Conservation

    Growing in hotter & drier months

  • Building fertility and water holding capacity in soil

    Regionally acclimated crop selections

    Focus on growing specialty crops

    Tips to avoid gaps in production

    Pivoting operations in times of quarantine

    Direct to consumer sales

    Brand/Market development and expansion

    Organic Practices

  • Focusing in on specialty blooms regionally suitable for your growing area: Sourcing materials, seed starting, perennial propagation, succession planting, season extension, value added products

    Maximizing yields and sales

    Conditioning of cut flowers for longevity

    Customer purchasing trends

    Direct to consumer sales